Exploring The User Centric Era

Exploring The User Centric Era

Exploring The User Centric Era

Explore the dynamic landscape of media with Evan Shapiro at Copenhagen TV Festival. As a Media Universe Cartographer, Shapiro navigates the evolution of the industry, guiding us through the emergence of the User Centric Era. Join him as he examines the challenges, opportunities, and strategies for thriving in this transformative age of media consumption.

Using an array of data and insights, Media Universe Cartographer Evan Shapiro charts the course of the Media ecosystem, showing us how the players in tech and entertainment got to where we are, and to where we are all likely headed. 

He tells us that we are now in a new age of Media, the User Centric Era - where consumers use their tech devices to change their suite of entertainment services with swipes of their thumbs based on the mood of the day. 

Using the latest data from around the globe Shapiro, will diagnose the challenges that user control has caused the Media industry, lay out the rules of gravity in this new age, and point to ways to not just survive in the User Centric Era, but to thrive as well.